So the last months have been upheaval in our profession due to the SHRM/HRCI separation. The only other times I remember the HR community being this "moved" is when the SHRM Members for Transparency concerns where made public and the "I Hate HR" article was published. I know the later dates me a but but I have been passionate and incredibly supportive of the "Profession" society I have been a very active advocate for most of my business career.
As expected, over the last few days at #SHRM14, I have heard comments both positive and negative about both SHRM and HRCI. However, I consider myself to be a reasonable person and I don't take everyone's comments to heart. Nor do I believe everything I hear. But (and not my first BUT) what I can't get over is the absence and uneasy feeling that has been so obviously present during this conference.
That absence is everything HRCI- PHR/SPHR/GPHR and so on. HRCI, who by the way, has been an organization that has supported our profession since it's inception and still does! Yeah maybe our current testing and certification process needed an upgrade. BUT (and I do mean a BIG BUT) do we have to make an obvious disagreement at the highest levels of the organization so very blatant especially to the average SHRM member and non members? Do we have to portray a perception of being the BIGGER Kid on the block (the Bully) who will do whatever they want to get their way? Do we have be so careful and purposely talk as if the current certification is irrelevant and unimportant? Do we have to "bully" the little guy? Isn't bullying an issues we deal with in the workplace? Are we not better than that? Are we not professional business people? Are we not suppose to set the example for the workplace? Seriously, I am ashamed of the organization I have supported, cheered for, promoted, and grown fond of over the years to the point that I feel SHRM is a part of who I am. They are why I am who I am. I now don't feel comfortable with my own thoughts and feelings:
When the HRCI board is not in the front seats of this conference along side the SHRM and SHRM Foundation boards who's members all work so very hard to advance our profession.
When you walk into the SHRM Store and see zero PHR, SPHR, and GPHR imprinted items that we are all so use to seeing all these years.
When you have to go offsite to participate in HRCI events.
When HRCI is not even mentioned when discussing the new certification (referred to as the other or present certification).
When the obvious feeling of absence of a key player is so distinctly obvious all over the conference almost as if HRCI is a curse word.
Honesty, I am very very disappointed with the actions of SHRM. The absence of anything related to my certification does not make my heart grow fonder for the organization I have loved for so long!
SHRM you expected us to get certified in the new competency model. Sections of which are new to the old model. Sections for which I and many others don't feel you are portraying. Seriously, if you expect professionalism of your members, why don't you walk the talk?
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