UPDATE 5/21: Added one more post and link below from Workforce.com not found last night when I originally wrote this post.
On the eve of my attempt to help our local CIC-SHRM members make sense of the news of last week at our bi-monthly meeting tomorrow, I did another search. Again, I will wait to comment fully about my own understanding and opinions until after I get a response from SHRM regarding a question I have that has yet to be addressed and I hear again from our regional MAC rep on a call I am scheduled to participate in on Thursday.
However, I do want to rescind and revise a comment I made in my earlier post. Last week I stated the following which is not entirely true: “The fact that the HRCI Executive Director did not receive advance notification leaves me a bit disappointed for a variety of reasons.” The HRCI Executive Director did know about SHRMs plans because she is part of the board where the topic was discussed. However, she did not know the communication would go out so fast and obviously did not have time to prepare current certificant’s as well as staff to handle questions.
I have separated the links to show those from SHRM, HRCI, and OTHERS separately.
In addition to doing a Google search on this topic you can go to a variety of LinkedIn groups where there is a great deal of conversation following these communications. The following lists of articles and links contain the most recent posts from this week first (under the appropriate header) then below them is a copy of the link from last week’s post starting with the words: “FROM LAST WEEK:”
From SHRM Board Director: http://www.weknownext.com/blog/shrm-certification-its-personal-to-me
Additional FAQs http://www.shrm.org/Certification/SHRMCertification/Pages/FAQs.aspx
FROM LAST WEEK: The initial announcement: http://www.shrm.org/Publications/HRNews/Pages/New-SHRM-Certification.aspx#sthash%2EzRgqnFv9%2EVVotHkbj%2Edpuf
FROM LAST WEEK: Sent to volunteers from SHRM: http://msg.shrm.org/site/MessageViewer?dlv_id=109043&em_id=104282.0
FROM LAST WEEK: The initial announcement: http://www.shrm.org/Publications/HRNews/Pages/New-SHRM-Certification.aspx#sthash%2EzRgqnFv9%2EVVotHkbj%2Edpuf
FROM LAST WEEK: Sent to volunteers from SHRM: http://msg.shrm.org/site/MessageViewer?dlv_id=109043&em_id=104282.0
RESPECT FOR THE TRUST AND INTEGRITY OF HR CERTIFICATION http://www.hrci.org/docs/default-source/press-releases/respect-for-thetrust-and-integrity-of-hr-certification.pdf?sfvrsn=6
FROM LAST WEEK: From HRCI: http://www.hrci.org/docs/default-source/press-releases/statement-from-the-hr-certification-institute.pdf?sfvrsn=4
FROM LAST WEEK: Press Release From HRCI: http://www.hrci.org/docs/default-source/press-releases/hrci-clarifies-confusion-around-certifications.pdf?sfvrsn=4
Various Posts NOT from SHRM or HRCI
Unconscious Uncoupling - HR Style by Robin Schooling http://hrschoolhouse.com/robinschooling/conscious-uncoupling-hr-style-shrm-hrci/
FROM LAST WEEK: From HRCI: http://www.hrci.org/docs/default-source/press-releases/statement-from-the-hr-certification-institute.pdf?sfvrsn=4
FROM LAST WEEK: Press Release From HRCI: http://www.hrci.org/docs/default-source/press-releases/hrci-clarifies-confusion-around-certifications.pdf?sfvrsn=4
Various Posts NOT from SHRM or HRCI
Unconscious Uncoupling - HR Style by Robin Schooling http://hrschoolhouse.com/robinschooling/conscious-uncoupling-hr-style-shrm-hrci/
SHRM-HRCI Dramedy: Time to Set the Record Straight http://www.workforce.com/blogs/4-whatever-works/post/20478-shrm-hrci-dramedy-time-to-set-the-record-straight
The Last Word: SHRM’s Door Swings Open for Whom? http://www.workforce.com/articles/print/20481-the-last-word-shrms-door-swings-open-for-whom
The CYA Report E62: The SHRM Certification Fiasco http://fistfuloftalent.com/2014/05/cya-report-podcast-shrm-certification-fiasco.html
The Top Nine People SHRM Hurt When It Said Goodbye to HRCI... http://www.workforce.com/articles/20477-the-top-nine-people-shrm-hurt-when-it-said-goodbye-to-hrci
Weekly Wrap: Just How Important Is an HR Certification, Anyway? http://www.tlnt.com/2014/05/16/weekly-wrap-just-how-important-is-a-hr-certification-anyway/
SHRM Rolls Out New Certification from HR Executive Online http://blog.hreonline.com/2014/05/13/shrm-rolls-new-certification/
The Last Word: SHRM’s Door Swings Open for Whom? http://www.workforce.com/articles/print/20481-the-last-word-shrms-door-swings-open-for-whom
The CYA Report E62: The SHRM Certification Fiasco http://fistfuloftalent.com/2014/05/cya-report-podcast-shrm-certification-fiasco.html
The Top Nine People SHRM Hurt When It Said Goodbye to HRCI... http://www.workforce.com/articles/20477-the-top-nine-people-shrm-hurt-when-it-said-goodbye-to-hrci
Weekly Wrap: Just How Important Is an HR Certification, Anyway? http://www.tlnt.com/2014/05/16/weekly-wrap-just-how-important-is-a-hr-certification-anyway/
SHRM Rolls Out New Certification from HR Executive Online http://blog.hreonline.com/2014/05/13/shrm-rolls-new-certification/
FROM LAST WEEK: Workforce held an online chat today: http://www.workforce.com/articles/hrci-shrm-live-chat
FROM LAST WEEK: HRCI: Surprised by SHRM Plan to Offer HR Certifications: http://www.workforce.com/articles/20474-hrci-surprised-by-shrm-plan-to-offer-hr-certifications
FROM LAST WEEK: New #SHRM Certification Raises More Questions Than It Answers (Update X 2)
FROM LAST WEEK: SHRM to Stop Supporting PHR, SPHR Certifications http://upstarthr.com/shrm-stop-supporting-phrsphr/
FROM LAST WEEK: J.J. Keller on SHRM approves plan for new human resource certification based on competencies http://www.jjkeller.com/shop/content_home__article_SHRM-approves-plan-for-new-human-resource-certification-based-on-competencies*052014_10151_-1_10551
FROM LAST WEEK: HRCI: Surprised by SHRM Plan to Offer HR Certifications: http://www.workforce.com/articles/20474-hrci-surprised-by-shrm-plan-to-offer-hr-certifications
FROM LAST WEEK: New #SHRM Certification Raises More Questions Than It Answers (Update X 2)
FROM LAST WEEK: SHRM to Stop Supporting PHR, SPHR Certifications http://upstarthr.com/shrm-stop-supporting-phrsphr/
FROM LAST WEEK: J.J. Keller on SHRM approves plan for new human resource certification based on competencies http://www.jjkeller.com/shop/content_home__article_SHRM-approves-plan-for-new-human-resource-certification-based-on-competencies*052014_10151_-1_10551
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