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Showing posts with the label Survey

2013 Blog Posts

Annually, I am required to do a review of my work for submission to the college review board.  Blogging is just an add on because the academic world does not recognize blogging as a legit contribution to the profession as does most of the media.  Regardless, it takes time and based on feedback I have received on occasion it helps people now and then.  So here is a list of my blog posts written for five different sites ( Talent Culture , Women of HR , IL SHRM , IL Chamber to include this one previously known as DonnaRogersHR) in 2013. 2013 Blog List Location  Date  Title  Women of HR 17-Jan-13 SHRM Conference Highlight: Meet the Illinois State Council of SHRM  Donna Rogers HR  1-Feb-13 Where Does Time Go? Productive or trash worthy?  Donna Rogers HR  10-Feb-13 #ILSHRM13 - You, Your Team and Your Culture, We've Got You Covered!  IL Chamber 11-Feb-13 ...

Fall North Central SHRM MAC Update

The MAC Representatives participated in a conference call on September 17, 2013 with Elissa O'Brien, SPHR - SHRM Vice President of Membership, Amy Schabacker Dufrane,  Executive Director of the HR Certification Institute (HRCI),  and other SHRM Staff Members.  Amy provided HRCI's response to the MAC Reps report presented in June 2013. Her presentation showed HRCI is listening to the volunteer leaders and HRCI is working on meeting the volunteer leaders needs. Amy noted HRCI is working on a communication piece on how they plan to address the issues the volunteer leaders voiced in the MAC Survey. Once this document is received by the MAC Reps, we will provide to you.  Recently, volunteer leaders were asked to complete a second 2013 MAC Survey regarding "Professional Development".  We had over 700 volunteer leaders complete the survey. The MAC presented the findings to the  SHRM Staff during the SHRM Foundation Thought Leaders Retreat and SHRM St...

Teaching/Training with Technology-Part 3

This week I am a bit rushed at posting my blog for the #TT1131 class scrapbook because I soon will be on a plane heading to #SHRM11 in Las Vegas, NV . I am especially looking forward to seeing Keith Urban (aka @KeithUrban on twitter) perform for several thousand of us "HR Geeks" Tuesday night. In the meantime, I have homework (as do my Organizational Behavior students). The title of this weeks blog is hyperlinked to a new site I discoverd in class called It can be used in class to poll students about their opinion regarding a specific topic. For example, I might ask "How many of you have had a lousy manager?" (no really I would ask that) and then we could see the results and discuss why that might be. Usually the brown nose answer (just kidding) would be "because they have not taken your Organzational Behavior class Ms. Rogers". Seriously though, it can be used in face-to-face (F2F) or online classes for a variety of content...