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Showing posts with the label WHO

3 C's for COVID-19 Survival: Compliance, Cleanliness, & Compassion

What hasn't been said about the Coronavirus over the past several weeks in the HR community? I can't think of a thing? Over the past two weeks at least, I've been doing nothing but talking, listening, watching, researching and responding to questions from clients, students, family, and friends about this topic much like the rest of the world. The following is a list of what I think is the most important things I have learned and suggest employers consider if they have not already done so. I call it the three C’s of Coronavirus for HR and Employers. 1.       Compliance with new local , state , and federal employment regulations covering employees.   This covers quarantine rules, time off, protected time off, unemployment, and even paid time off in some cases depending on the size of the organization. 2.       Cleanliness with the CDC and WHO .   Sure most organizations have cleaning companies that might come into the w...