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Showing posts from 2019

HR 101 Human Resources for County Treasurers

The following was a presentation for the Illinois County Treasurers Training Program on April 10, 2019 covering all the changes in Human Resources occurring at that time as well as other very important HR basics every county official should be aware of an audit for compliance.

Tic Toc Make Sure Salaried Employees are “Clocking” IN and OUT!

Merry Christmas! Thanks to a client who informed me of a new requirement she was made aware of at an Employment Law update training event last month, I recently research said notification and unbeknownst to me, it was true.  I was shocked because in my humble opinion it conflicts with the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act .  However, we do things a bit different here in the Land of Lincoln.  So keep reading this "Just in Time" notification that will give owners, executives, HR professionals, managers, and supervisors a holiday treat to add to your daily to do list at work! Surprise, surprise, surprise there’s another new law to follow! Unfortunately, one that has been in affect for some time now but has not received much notice and was slid in right under our HR noses! Not once but TWICE! The Illinois Department of Labor established new regulations, “ Payment and Collection of Wages or Final Compensation – Records and Notice of Requirements” in August of 2014 t...

What's New for HR in Illinois - 2019

Yesterday I did a report for one of my clients.  Today, I have been asked to talk to a networking group about What's New in HR.  In three weeks I have been asked to talk at a local Chamber of Commerce luncheon about What's Hot in HR.  So whether it new, hot or trending, I though I'd just jot down some thoughts I and several #HR friends had from a crowdsourcing post. Let's start out with what is top of mind for me and my clients: SALARY HISTORY BAN: Don’t Ask for the Salary History of ANY applicant for employment of any position in Illinois effective last month.  This affects all employers regardless of size and if you decide not to follow the law then an applicant can come after you for up to 10k for damages.  Why? Asking perpetuates an already unequal pay issue for women who currently make 78 cents to every man's dollar or the same job with the same qualifications. SEXUAL HARASSMENT TRAINING FOR ALL EMPLOYEES IN ILLINOIS. Every employer in the state of Il...

ISERRA Requires Public Employers to PAY for Military Leave

It is important for public employers to understand the Illinois Service Member Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (ISERRA) and how it impacts their obligation to employees who are on a military leave of absence.   ISERRA consolidated the state’s Military Leave of Absence Act, Public Employee Armed Services Rights Act, Municipal Employees Military Active Duty Act, and the Local Government Employee Benefits Continuation Act.   Much of ISSERA is modeled after the federal Uniformed Serivces Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USSERA) .   However, there are important differences. Who Is Protected? All members of the Armed Forces whether active duty, inactive duty or reserve, including the National Guard when performing state duty. All members of Military Auxiliary Radio System, United States Coast Guard Reserve, Civil Air Patrol and the Merchant Marines when performing official duties in support of an emergency. Members who are released from military...

Grievances and the Hiring Process

Units of local government have the responsibility to conduct business in the most transparent manner possible.   This includes the hiring process. Applicants for public jobs should feel confident that the selection process was fair and designed so that the most qualified candidate was chosen.   In addition, in some cases internal applicants for vacancies may have appeal rights through the grievance process covered in the applicable collective bargaining agreement (CBA).    It is important to always follow the appropriate article in the CBA that details hiring, so make sure you double check before filling any union covered position. If followed, the chance of having a grievance filed will be diminished. However, grievances can happen after the selection process has concluded. Both internal and external candidates for positions can file complaints.   External candidates are most likely to file a complaint with the Illinois Department of Human Rights or the Equal...

HR Legislative Update Covering: Lactation Room, Nursing Mothers, Severance & EMS Rest Exclusion

Several new laws have taken effect in the last year that affect Public Employers primarily.  Please review this legislative update carefully and contact me for any further information you may need to ensure compliance. P.A. 100-0947 (January 1, 2019) – This Act amends the Counties Code to require that on or before June 1, 2019, every facility that houses a circuit court room shall include at least one lactation room or area for members of the public to express breast milk in private that is located outside the confines of a restroom and includes, at minimum, a chair, table, electrical outlet, and a sink with running water where possible.  This room may be the same space provided to employees. The legislation further requires the Supreme Court to create minimum standards for posting and training of courthouse staff. Construction or renovation of a court facility after June 1, 2019 shall include at least one lactation room or area that is located outside the confines of a res...

Disciplinary Action up to and Including Termination

My blogging has been pretty sporadic lately! I just finished an overload semester and had a boat load of client work to handle as well. So unpaid work gets pushed aside. I hope to get more regular on this site as time moves forward. Here's a summary of some of the main points related to a program I delivered last week to over 70 management personnel. Recently, I facilitated a training event in Springfield covering the topic above. The exact wording used in the title can often be found at the end of a personnel or employment related policy reminding employees to follow the rules (i.e. policy) or else! The problem is that many times management doesn't enforce those policies because conflict for anyone is not easy and often avoided at all costs. However, the long-term costs to a company for not enforcing can lead to poor performance, attitude, increased turnover, decreased morale of other employees, unfair or inequity complaints to outside agencies or an attorney. So botto...

What's New in HR for Illinois Employers?

By Donna Rogers Skowronski, M.Ed., SPHR, SHRM-SCP via Now – already required in your workplaces New IL Poster required due to ISSERRA change as of 1/1/19. IL Nursing Mothers in the Workplace Act requires employers to allow breaks as needed to express breast milk and they cannot reduce an employee pay for taking breaks for doing so up to one year after the child is born. Keep in mind the previous requirement already in place that requires employers to provide a private location and a lockable refrigerator to store the milk. IL Department of Human Rights - IHRA increased the time frame for employees to act against employers making a claim through their department from 180 to 300 days which now mirrors the time frame they had previously had to file a claim with the EEOC.   Employees can also opt out of an IDHR investigation and go directly to the state court with their complaint against the employer. Employers must post a new notice and include the same ...