Yesterday I did a report for one of my clients. Today, I have been asked to talk to a networking group about What's New in HR. In three weeks I have been asked to talk at a local Chamber of Commerce luncheon about What's Hot in HR. So whether it new, hot or trending, I though I'd just jot down some thoughts I and several #HR friends had from a crowdsourcing post. Let's start out with what is top of mind for me and my clients: SALARY HISTORY BAN: Don’t Ask for the Salary History of ANY applicant for employment of any position in Illinois effective last month. This affects all employers regardless of size and if you decide not to follow the law then an applicant can come after you for up to 10k for damages. Why? Asking perpetuates an already unequal pay issue for women who currently make 78 cents to every man's dollar or the same job with the same qualifications. SEXUAL HARASSMENT TRAINING FOR ALL EMPLOYEES IN ILLINOIS. Every employer in the state of Il...
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