So the last months have been upheaval in our profession due to the SHRM/HRCI separation. The only other times I remember the HR community being this "moved" is when the SHRM Members for Transparency concerns where made public and the "I Hate HR" article was published. I know the later dates me a but but I have been passionate and incredibly supportive of the "Profession" society I have been a very active advocate for most of my business career. As expected, over the last few days at #SHRM14, I have heard comments both positive and negative about both SHRM and HRCI. However, I consider myself to be a reasonable person and I don't take everyone's comments to heart. Nor do I believe everything I hear. But (and not my first BUT) what I can't get over is the absence and uneasy feeling that has been so obviously present during this conference. That absence is everything HRCI- PHR/SPHR/GPHR and so on. HRCI, who by the way, has been an organizati...
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