Annually, I am required to do a review of my work for submission to the college review board. Blogging is just an add on because the academic world does not recognize blogging as a legit contribution to the profession as does most of the media. Regardless, it takes time and based on feedback I have received on occasion it helps people now and then. So here is a list of my blog posts written for five different sites ( Talent Culture , Women of HR , IL SHRM , IL Chamber to include this one previously known as DonnaRogersHR) in 2013. 2013 Blog List Location Date Title Women of HR 17-Jan-13 SHRM Conference Highlight: Meet the Illinois State Council of SHRM Donna Rogers HR 1-Feb-13 Where Does Time Go? Productive or trash worthy? Donna Rogers HR 10-Feb-13 #ILSHRM13 - You, Your Team and Your Culture, We've Got You Covered! IL Chamber 11-Feb-13 ...
Inspiring Management and HR to Create Engaging, Respectful, and Encouraging Workplaces!