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Showing posts from April, 2013

Live on "Internet Radio"

Here is a link to the archived show where we talked about Interviewing & SHRM MAC responsibilities:  Donna Rogers at Lunch with DriveThruHR 04/29 by DriveThru HR | Blog Talk Radio I will be on Drive Thru HR Monday 4/29/13 at Noon.  Please join us: My previous conversation with Drive Thru HR was on 11/15/11: In the 2011 show we talked about the Strategic Human Resources Management course I was developing for the University of Illinois at Springfield's brand new Graduate HR Certificate that launched this fall.  The day of the show was just prior to the annual SHRM Leadership Conference in Washington DC so that too was part of the conversation.  Finally, we discussed volunteerism for SHRM, advocacy for HR profession and what to do when visiting the nations capitol.

HR & Religious Institutions

Have you ever thought of your place of WORSHIP as a workplace?  Well it is!  I just did some sexual harassment (they called it sexual ethics) training at a religious establishment earlier this year and heard stories about how pastors where taking advantage of their female EMPLOYEE's.  It was not overt and not the Quid Pro Quo type but it would defiantly fall into "HOSTILE WORKPLACE".  One of my students recently wrote a paper touching on all the things an institution of this nature would need to know about HR.  I felt his application was so on target that I sought his permission to post on this site.   What Should Non-Human Resource Professionals Know about Doing Human Resources in Religious Institutions by Benjamin Keller University of Illinois, Springfield Management 431, Section B Professor Donna Rogers March 3, 2013 Revised: April 10, 2013 What Should a Non-Human Resource Professional Know about Human Resources i...

Tell the SHRM Mac What You Think

Extended deadline to APRIL 30th! Complete today, PLEASE! Your assistance is needed by your 2013 SHRM Member Advisory Council (MAC) Representatives.  The MAC is made up of five elected representatives, one from each SHRM Region – like you we are SHRM members and HR professionals.  As the MAC Representative for your region, I serve as a messenger between SHRM members and the SHRM CEO and Board of Directors.   SHRM strives to constantly improve member services as well as provide the most current and advanced tools for its members, volunteers and HR Professionals.  I have been asked to gather feedback from SHRM members regarding topics of importance to the HR profession and SHRM.  Since I can’t speak to each of you individually, I would request you complete the quick survey at the link below. By completing this survey, your feedback will play an important role to in advancing the HR Profession, so let your voice be heard!  This survey should only t...