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Showing posts from December, 2011

Blast the DAMN Email!

Seriously! I have been trying to find time to write this post for some time now. Over the years I have been hearing time after time about companies who have serious communication issues. I have worked for and consulted for companies like this. As hard as one works to improve the problem, the reality is bad communication in organizations is like smoking, overeating, & cussing. Sometimes its just a hard habit to break. Communication problems are not new but what seems to be a commonality in companies in more recent years is they seem to rely too heavily on EMail rather than picking up the phone or walking 10 feet across the hall to talk "in person" to their coworker, supervisor, or owner. Personally I think hours of employee labor could be saved if folks would consider the good old fashion way of communicating. Don't get me wrong, I too have been known to rely on it too heavily at times as well. I'm not perfect by any means but I can recognize that at some p...

Accommodating Employees Who Serve as Senior Caregivers

Aging population impacts business operations and its bottom line due to the effects of senor care-giving on staff. The average worker will spend more years caring for a senior than they will care for children. Care-giving falls on women more often than it does on men. How does this issue impact your business and what can you do to ameliorate its effects? The senior population is large enough that it is statistically improbable that any employee could avoid care-giving issues. These events most often occur for employees in their 40’s 50’s and 60’s. To date, there are no “Senior Lamaze” classes to prepare adult children for this role and its management. While couples have nine months to prepare for a baby, the role of senior care-giver usually begins with an emergency telephone call. The surprise leads to an adrenaline rush as our bodies prepare for fight or flight. Prolonged exposure to stress causes deleterious health effects. Thus, your bottom line health care costs can be improved by...