Earlier tonight I was reminded of an incident that occurred just yesterday on my own front porch. This flashback came as a reflection-having just finished listening to author, Howard Ross (@HowardJRoss) and SHRMs VP of D&I (Diversity & Inclusion), Shirley Davis (@SDavisSHRM) have a conversation primarily surrounding his new book. The book is titled ReInventing Diversity: Transforming Organizational Community to Strengthen People, Purpose, and Performance. The focus of his talk is based on the idea that we as a community of Diversity minded individuals have pushed the envelope over and over again to encourage people, business, authorities, etc. not to do or say things that is inappropriate, against the law (now that there are laws), and other related "dont's". He provides lists of statistics and metrics in the books to continue to foster diversity and inclusion in his book but the bottom line is we need to look at ourselves. We need to look in the mirror. We need...
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