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Showing posts from August, 2014

The Value of an Unpaid Internship

Over the years, I have worked with a number of interns who are meeting requirements of their degree by interning at Rogers HR Consulting.  Most of them have been undergrad students with barely any professional business experience.  Some have been returning vs. traditional students who have had a career and relevant business work experience, but those are rare.  Even more rare is my opportunity to work with grad students who are working on an MBA or a tailored Masters program with an emphasis in HR.  I prefer grad students only because they take less time to coach, teach, and manage  which helps me focus on billable client hours.  Honestly, I spend hours of non-billable time with these students helping them hone their communications, time management, and business skills in addition to helping them learn a little about the world of HR, entrepreneurship, and small business management.  I work very hard at maintaining my patience and understanding as ...