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Showing posts from November, 2013

The MAC Doctor

The MAC Doctor I just noticed 7/28/14 that I did not post this summary. I think it was because my dad went in the hospital upon my return from this conference and I simply forgot. So even though it's over six months old and I am no longer the MAC rep, it may give those a taste of where SHRM, SHRM Foundation, and HRCI was last fall before the riff. Also, it may give State Directors thinking about the MAC position a taste of what to expect.  *********************** Written in October 2013: On my return from the SHRM Foundation Thought Leaders Retreat and the SHRM Strategy Conference where we had a chance to participate in our third in person Membership Advisory Council meeting, I have had a chance to do a little reflection on what we have accomplished so far this year. During the conference we had a chance to see Ben C speak about his 6th grade classmate which he referred to as the "MAC Doctor". Last night a few jokes were made about the MAC as it relates to McDonalds as...

Learning Fun in Adulthood

I wrote this post last year but just now getting a chance to actually finalize and publish it. This past week I had the privilege of speaking at a very well attended annual women's conference sponsored by the  Illinois Women in Leadership . A group I have been a member of before but have not been available to attend meetings over the past several years especially since I took on leadership roles at the state and national level of  SHRM .  The program covered several adult learning principles, strategies and tips not to mention a little fun for the attendees who had a chance to "create" what IWIL meant to them using PlayDoh. Since I shared a blog series I wrote a couple years ago while working on my Master Online Teaching Certificate during the program, I thought I would write a post that allowed participants to find the entire series called "Teaching with Technology" all in one place.      Teaching with Technology Part 1 Teaching ...

Post Leadership North Central MAC Update

While we are still in process of finalizing our year-end report to include some of the following information (with much less detail), I think it is necessary to provide you with an interim report much like those provided earlier in the year. The MAC (membership advisory council) meets twice annually.   SHRM Board The last few days at SHRM Annual Leadership Conference has proven to be quite fruitful as a MAC rep. We met with the SHRM board yesterday to report on findings from our most recent MAC volunteer leader survey for which we had over 730 responses. The demographics of the volunteers who responded actually mirrors the majority of the overall SHRM members worldwide.   Thus, most respondents (over 70%) work in departments with 1-5  HR professionals and have 15-25 years of experience in the field. The majority were mid to top level HR professionals considering their skill set in the senior category.  With that said, many are over the need for HR basi...

Concealed Carry Signage for IL Business

Several of my clients have asked about signage for their property so they can rest easy not worrying about guns in the workplace.  Since I don't have time to email all of my clients as an FYI...Here is the information from the State Police site regarding the topic Where can business owners or property owners obtain information about required signage? via The 4 inch by 6 inch sign is available for download at The Illinois State Police has proposed administrative rules permitting the design and posting of a larger sign if the property owner feels the entrance to their building, premises or real property requires one. The 4 inch by 6 inch sign must be visible somewhere on the larger sign. The administrative rules proposed by the Illinois State Police also permit the larger sign to include additional language. The proposed administrative rules have been filed with the Illinois Secreta...

Fall North Central SHRM MAC Update

The MAC Representatives participated in a conference call on September 17, 2013 with Elissa O'Brien, SPHR - SHRM Vice President of Membership, Amy Schabacker Dufrane,  Executive Director of the HR Certification Institute (HRCI),  and other SHRM Staff Members.  Amy provided HRCI's response to the MAC Reps report presented in June 2013. Her presentation showed HRCI is listening to the volunteer leaders and HRCI is working on meeting the volunteer leaders needs. Amy noted HRCI is working on a communication piece on how they plan to address the issues the volunteer leaders voiced in the MAC Survey. Once this document is received by the MAC Reps, we will provide to you.  Recently, volunteer leaders were asked to complete a second 2013 MAC Survey regarding "Professional Development".  We had over 700 volunteer leaders complete the survey. The MAC presented the findings to the  SHRM Staff during the SHRM Foundation Thought Leaders Retreat and SHRM St...