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Showing posts from December, 2012

Happy Holidays to All!

A quick wish for those who have been following my blog since 2010 when I began writing and had no idea what I was doing as well as those who are new followers or occasional pop ins. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from my home to yours and thank you for your support. As my friend says "I love blogging because there are no right or wrong ways of doing it. I'm sure to the expert, long term bloggers there are wrong ways, but who cares. Just like its not always politically correct to say Merry Christmas in the office these days. To each his own and on this day that I do celebrate its special because its the birthday of our savior, Jesus Christ. For that and my family, I am grateful so Merry Christmas!

Contributors to Today’s Strategic HR

Earlier this fall, I started a series on Strategic HR (aka SHRM "the topic not the organization") and while my intentions were to write more on this topic, time got away from me.  However, I did write and initial post that many found helpful which was referencing contributors to the topic of SHRM .  Today's post is a guest post by +Tina Gist who is both an HR professional and a graduate student of HR working on her masters degree and the graduate certificate in HR .  The following goes into much greater detail about several of the most interesting thought leaders in this field.  I personally had the good fortune to meet Dr. Lawler in person at both the Though Leaders Retreat this fall that I wrote about and at the Leadership Conference in DC as we were introduced to the SHRM Foundation board for which he is on.  I have also seen both Micheal Losey and Bill Conaty speak at prior SHRM events .  Enjoy the work from one very talented and knowledgeable stude...