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Showing posts from March, 2012

Student SHRM Competition. One Students Perspective

On February 18 th 2012 a group of four UIS students traveled toIllinois State University in Bloomington for the 2 nd annual SHRM HRCompetition.  This was the first one thatUIS has ever participated in.  Wereviewed a couple of Human Resource cases about a month before the competitionin preparation, but we had no idea what to expect.   When we got to ISU we weretreated very professionally.  We wentthrough a couple of presentations in the regards to Human Resources and whycompanies need them.  Our team was then escortedto our room where we would be spending the next four hours.   The idea behind thesecompetitions is that a group is given a case to review.  No one except the person handing out thecases knew what they were. The cases could be about companies with law, harassmentor personnel issues.  After given thecase we then had four hours to deliberate and come up with a solution to theproblem that would inevitably better the company.  We ...

Fly Your Freak Flag Today!

I have had the pleasure of knowing, Joe & Jason, from  Talent Anarchy for almost a year now.  They are unique, talented and genuine.  They keynoted at our conference last year and the reviews were so magnificent that we are proud to bring them back again by way of "popular demand".  Take a couple minutes to watch the following videos and I know you will agree!!! The ILSHRM conference will be August 6 & 7 in Oakbrook, Illinois.  I hope you will consider joining us and flying your "HR Freak Flag with us!"