Over the last couple weeks I have been compiling my required annual faculty performance review which summarizes teaching, scholarly work (which is not required for my professionally qualified (PQ) position as opposed to AQ for those with PhDs) and service to the university, community and the profession. Since I had to compile the following information as part of my blogging contribution (service to the profession), I thought I would share the links here especially as it relates to the two sites I have contributed to in addition to my own. I have not shared on this site in the past that I have blog posts elsewhere. So the following is exert from my performance review: “While I do not write scholarly works, I do write for my students, clients, and the HR community via blogging which I started in 2010. In addition, I am a contributing author for two other blogs called Women of HR and Illinois State Council SHRM). In 2011, I wrote a total of 41 posts betwe...
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